urokset 7-9kk

Kovan Onnen Shanghai


7 months. Complete scissor bite. Young, full development. Very good bone. Friendly. Good male puppy. Head & skull wide. Medium tall. Eyes good, brown. Symoticly arched forehead, needs to develop more, slightly strength muzzle. Very good lip & mouth pigmentation, slightly heavy lip. Arched neckline. Strength topline, could be stronger. Medium long croup. Shown push up & overbuilt condition. Well developed chest. Excellent forehead. Good tail. Very good width. Stands too close in front. Good angulation in rear, sufficient in front. Good markings, slightly unpure. Natural movement, good drive, slightly overbuilt croup.

Kovan Onnen New York


7 months. Complete scissor bite. Young dog, full development. Very good bone, needs to firm up. Expressive, puppy head, slightly arhead stop. Very good muzzle. Medium size ears, well carried. Medium size almond shape eyes. Heavy lip. Some loose skin. Very good neckline. Strenght topline, need to firm up. Round slouping croup. Well carried tail. Exellent forechest for age. Round arched feet. Pasterns need to firm up. Very good angulation for age. Good angulation in rear. Stochair very good condition. Good markings. Movement good reach and drive. Topline should be stronger, loose pelvis and weak in pasterns.

Joy Von Hause Milsped


10 months, young dog full developement. regular scissor bite, needs overall develop much futher. Compact. Young male head. Rather scull, medium brown almond eyes. Good pigmentation. Large, well carried ears. Very good stop. High forehead, slightly wringles in cheeks. Strong strenght neckline, good topline. Sapple tail, chest needs to develop futher. Good pasterns. Slightly turns out, very good angulations. Correct stockhair, fine markings.


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